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Displaying 61 - 80 of 150

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
06/29/15 The Value Of Faith Joe Stuve 2015 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting TheValueOfFaith_Joe_Stuve_2015_04_29.mp3
10/11/14 The Last Time Wayne Teel 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting TheLastTime_WayneTeel_2014_09_21.mp3
10/11/14 Doing What Is Right Wayne Teel 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting DoingWhatIsRigt_WayneTeel_2014_09_19.mp3
10/11/14 Man of God Wayne Teel 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting ManOfGod_WayneTeel_2014_09_20.mp3
10/11/14 What I Owe My Children Wayne Teel 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting WhatIOweMyChildren_WayneTeel_2014_09_21.mp3
08/16/14 What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Part 2) R. David Brewer August 2014 Meeting Gospel Meeting GM5_WhatMustIDo_2_David_2014_08_03.mp3
08/16/14 Why Jesus Had To Die R. David Brewer August 2014 Meeting Gospel Meeting GM4_WhyJesusHadToDie_David_2014_08_02.mp3
08/16/14 Why Jesus Gave Himself R. David Brewer August 2014 Meeting Gospel Meeting GM3_WhyJesusGaveHimself_David_2014_08_01.mp3
08/16/14 What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Part 1) R. David Brewer August 2014 Meeting Gospel Meeting GM2_WhatMustIDoToBeSaved_1_David_2014_07_31.mp3
08/16/14 Why Should I Love God? R. David Brewer August 2014 Meeting Gospel Meeting GM1_WhyShouldILoveGod_David_2014_07_30.mp3
05/18/14 Great Commitment Ray Warfel 2014 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting GreatCommitment_RayWarfel_2014_05_18.mp3 Truly great commitment.pptx
05/18/14 Faith in Jesus' Method Ray Warfel 2014 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting FaithInJesusMethod_RayWarfel_2014_05_18.mp3 Faith in Gods man and method.pptx
05/16/14 The Gospel With Compassion Ray Warfel 2014 Spring Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting TheGospelWithCompassion_RayWarfel_2014_05_16.mp3 Compassion.pptx
04/20/14 Beware False Prophets Justin Brewer 2014 One Day Meeting Gospel Meeting BewareFalseProphets_Justin_Brewer_2014_04_20.mp3
04/20/14 A Sin Not Unto Death Justin Brewer 2014 One Day Meeting Gospel Meeting ASinNotUntoDeath_Justin_Brewer_2014_04_20.mp3
11/12/13 Radical Restoration - The House Church Movement Ray Warfel N/A Gospel Meeting Radical Restoration _The House Church Movement_RayWarfel_2013_11_06.mp3 House Church Movement.ppt
10/01/13 Overlooking Sin (Part 2) Kris Brewer 2013 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Overlooking_Sin_Part2_KrisBrewer_2013_09_29.mp3
09/30/13 Overlooking Sin (Part 1) Kris Brewer 2013 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Overlooking Sin.pptx Overlooking_Sin_Part1_KrisBrewer_2013_09_29.mp3
09/30/13 Accidental Satanism Kris Brewer 2013 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Accidental Satanism.pptx Accidental_Satanism_KrisBrewer_2013_09_27.mp3
09/30/13 Religion-Rules-Relationship Kris Brewer 2013 Fall Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Religion-Rules-Relationships_KrisBrewer_2013_09_28.mp3 Religion-Rules-Relationships.pptx

Displaying 61 - 80 of 150

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